Product Name: Beef Eye of Round Prime
ID Number: O5GDVXE7
Production LOT ID: 15
Production Location: Atlanta, GA
Product Weight: 7.8 lbs
Product Expiration Date: 10.28.2022
Grade/Certifications: Certified Humane, Prime
Quality/Recall Check: Approved
Bag Loader Number and Time Stamp: 1 | 13:37 EST
Production Line/Rotary and Time Stamp: 1 | 13:37 EST
Rotary Vacuum Pressure: 3 Torr
Rotary Seal Temperature: 191˚F
Shrink Tunnel Temperature: 184˚F
Chill Temperature: 37.4˚F
Package QA Check: Approved
Case ID: 12
Case Weight: 42 lbs
Price $/lb: $1.75
Sales Price $/lb: $73.50
Pallet ID: 57
Order Number: 3981752
Customer: Farmbrand
Ship Date: 10.21.2022
Receive Date: 10.22.2022
Temperature Validation: Passed
Customer: Demo Retailer
Location: Charlotte, NC
Ship Date: 10.22.2022
Receive Date: 10.23.2022
Code Scanned: Yes
Date/Time: 10.24.2022
Location: Charlotte, NC
Authenticated: Yes
Duplicate Scans: No
Fraud Alert: No
Duplicate Scan Date/Time: NA
Duplicate Scan Location Alert: NA
SEE Digital Packaging Demonstration
A unique scannable code printed directly on each pack is a key to unlocking efficiencies in processing and supply chain operations. Depending on the design, the unique mark can also be intentionally accessible by downstream partners and by consumers in order to secure your supply chain and to engage consumers.